夹带私货的政治片,又是那种make America great again的nonsense,当个悬疑片看看还行穿越时空的话逻辑性太弱了,而且消灭fan动思想拥有者不能从根本上阻止战争和chaos的发生啊大哥……Thanks for the great founding fathers of America, now we can create some political bullshit just for fun??
婚姻与自我,生活与哲学。剧幕一般的电影,片尾的歌词唱的深入人心:Baby I love you come, come, come into my arms, Let me know the wonder of all of you, Baby I want you now, now, now and hold on fast, Could this be the magic at last, Could it be magic come, come on, come on, come, Oh,come i
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